TitleFittingly modern e-commerce (App Layout)
Campaign Fittingly modern e-commerce
Advertiser Cole Haan
Brand Cole Haan
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018 / 1
Business Sector Apparel & Accessories Stores
Story To support its ambitious growth goals and tap into a younger, urban consumer target, Cole Haan needed an e-commerce experience that combined technical functionality with a design and voice that told a better story. To improve conversion rates, features were designed to accelerate checkout while still capturing shopper data and creating a personalized shopping experience. The trick was finding the right balance between business objectives and customer experience—specifically, how to follow commerce conventions to help meet conversion and revenue goals while still delivering ownable and differentiated interactions that strengthen the brand. This led us to a complete redesign of the e-commerce site, defining a new membership program and introducing an editorial strategy. The site’s conversational content and fluid experience follows a principle of technical humanism that reflects Cole Haan’s own product-design ethos. This ensures that the advanced technology of Cole Haan shoes is captured as a benefit to consumers, while emphasizing lifestyle cues—everywhere from promotional campaign through post-purchase follow-up.
Media Type Applications

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