Contact Information

New York Los Angeles
United States
Phone: +1 424 380 8248

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Full Service, Digital, Mobile, Social Media, E-Commerce, Marketing/Creative Services, Shopper Marketing/Point of Sale/Sales promotion, Direct/Tele/Database Marketing/CRM, Branded Content/Entertainment, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Public Relations, Media Buying/Planning, Corporate Communication, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Packaging/Design, Publishing/Print/Custom Publishing, Strategy and Planning

Founded in: 2007

Employees: 100

Awards: 434

Creative Work: 299

Clients: 44

Core Competencies: Full Service, Digital, Mobile, Social Media, E-Commerce, Marketing/Creative Services, Shopper Marketing/Point of Sale/Sales promotion, Direct/Tele/Database Marketing/CRM, Branded Content/Entertainment, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Public Relations, Media Buying/Planning, Corporate Communication, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Packaging/Design, Publishing/Print/Custom Publishing, Strategy and Planning

Founded in: 2007

Employees: 100

Awards: 434

Creative Work: 299

Clients: 44


New York Los Angeles
United States
Phone: +1 424 380 8248



Creative C is a creative platform edited by FF (an independent international network of creative boutiques founded by Fred & Farid) showcasing the best emerging talents from LA, New York, Shanghai, and Paris in art, music, fashion, photography, design, illustration, food, and architecture. The network is anchored in these 4 cities which are true creative hubs of talented people and thriving with areas fostering cinema, fashion, technology, street culture, video games, and music. The content of Creative C will be curated by a team of FF Curators from FF US, FF Shanghai, and FF Paris. 

Fred & Farid, Founders, and CEO of FF say, “We have carefully chosen our cities and we let their energies infuse our company. We always try to learn things from these hubs, rather than teaching things to them. Los Angeles, New York, Shanghai, and Paris are super-strong energetic centers for creativity. We believe in building real places with real people. We think that when you bring exciting people into one network without walls or boundaries, the most beautiful things can happen.”

Such creative energies inspire all the talents in the network every day. At heart, the idea of the Creative C platform lies in sharing these inspirations beyond the FF Creative Community and bringing to light young creative talents in all disciplines.


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