Buenos Aires, Argentina

Contact Information

Humboldt 1550
Buenos Aires
Phone: +54 11 4779 5900

Basic Info


Awards: 13

Creative Work: 10


Awards: 13

Creative Work: 10


Humboldt 1550
Buenos Aires
Phone: +54 11 4779 5900

DAVID presents its new campaign for BURGER KING®

Since its foundation in 1954, BURGER KING® has been cooking its hamburgers on the grill and this method of cooking is one of its differential attributes. Focusing on that attribute, BURGER KING® launches his new campaign "Los Parrilla" through which he empathizes with all the people of last name Parrilla. As a sign of their pride, BURGER KING® chose those who wear this surname to give them a benefit that will accompany them forever as well as their last name: Whopper® free for life.



"The unique taste of our hamburgers is not a secret. We make them grilled. In a country of traditional grill like Argentina, is a differential attribute by which we have so many fans. We are proud to belong to the Parrilla family more than 60 years ago and the best way to put it is by recognizing for life those who bear that surname"- commented Lucina Cabrejas, Director of Marketing for BURGER KING®.


The commercial, which was developed by the agency DAVID, presents the story of real Parrilla who tell the jokes they have received during his life to carry that last name. The camera has managed to capture the real reaction of all of them when learning this incredible gift of BURGER KING®, which is for life as his last name. A commercial full of emotions with a happy ending for “Los Parrilla”.

Joaquín Cubría and Ignacio Ferioli VPs / DGCs of David commented: "The idea comes from those who bear the name Parrilla but generates empathy in all. When we saw that it was not an easy-to-carry name and they ate an eternal expense, we said: it's time to eat a hamburger but mainly to claim them”. “The match with the brand and what the brand needed to say was perfect”, they added.