Contact Information

2, rue Mozart
Clichy 92110
Phone: 01 47 15 35 00

Basic Info

Founded in: 1975


Employees: 80

Awards: 1

Clients: 44


2, rue Mozart
Clichy 92110
Phone: 01 47 15 35 00

Pierre Gaymard

Consulting Managing Director

Phone: 01 47 15 35 00

Michaël Hedegaard

Finance Managing Director

Phone: 01 47 15 35 00

Philippe Sarrazin

Chairman & CEO

Phone: 01 47 15 35 00

About Initiative

Initiative is a full-service global media agency built to grow brands through culture. The agency’s approach to rapidly interpreting and acting on cultural data signals – Cultural Velocity – creates relevant, long-lasting consumer connections that drive business results. 


English, French
Philosophy & Competitive Advantages

There are 4 Initiative's values :
1/ profit if the bottom line : the advertiser must financially make profit from its media investment
2/ take a broader perspective : we must consider a broader viewpoint than a mere space buying
3/ active and open collaboration : to reach goals, we must act together and not individually
4/ go the extra mile : always extra services, attentions, information, performances

Network Description
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